Setting Up Customer Communications

A Call Plan is used to generate regularly scheduled reminders to call the customer to provide repair status updates for Users who have CCC ONE® Update Plus. In order for Call Plans to trigger properly, the following must be true:

To set up opportunity follow up reminders

  1. Select Configure, and then select Profiles from the menu bar.
  2. Select Edit from the mini-toolbar of your repair facility profile.
  3. Click on the Customer Communication link under Repair Management.
  4. Select a days value from the Follow up with customers on opportunities older than droplist.
  5. Select an hours value from the Contact customer when repairs complete is due in droplist.

To set up a Call Plan

  1. Select Configure, and then select Profiles from the menu bar.
  2. Select Edit from the mini-toolbar of your repair facility profile.
  3. Click on the Customer Communication link under Repair Management.
  4. Select Add from the Call Plans toolbar. The Call Plan screen opens.
  5. Select one or more days in which to contact the customer.
  6. Select OK. The Call Plan is added to the list.


Customer Experience Dashboard

Overview CCC® Update Plus







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